The world we live in is changing faster and our business relationships are becoming increasingly complex. The pressure to achieve results and value in the short and long term is increasing. It’s time for a new approach, one focused on collaboration and a long-term vision, where the value for both parties is enhanced. But how do you achieve this?

We’d like to introduce you to Vested®; a business model centered on creating win-win situations for both parties. Follon & Partners collaborates with the leading Vested expert in the Netherlands and offers an introductory workshop to familiarize you with Vested®. In this workshop, you and your team will discover whether Vested is the right collaboration model for you and if you are ready for it.

What is Vested?

Vested® is a collaborative model that focuses on win-win and innovation for both parties. It revolves around strategic partnerships based on mutual commitment to joint success. The relationship is shaped by a flexible, relational contract that ensures both parties benefit from the collaboration. The focus is on innovation or value creation. Vested is particularly suitable for complex business relationships.

Hoe does Vested work?

Vested follows five basic rules. You start by formulating a shared vision and establishing the intent of the relationship through behavioral guidelines. The next step is defining joint goals and desired outcomes, which are translated into measurable Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). By focusing together, you work on innovative solutions and continuous improvements to achieve your goals, thereby increasing value for both parties. This value is driven by a pricing model that stimulates and rewards value creation. To keep all agreements alive, a governance structure is set up that ensures joint responsibility for managing the business based on data and insights.

What’s in it for WE?

If you want to commit to long-term joint success with a business partner and increase value for both parties, you have a solid foundation for Vested®. A crucial criterion for success is trust and mutual transparency. Some companies already have a collaboration contract with quality agreements. If, after some time, you seek more ambition, want to innovate, grow, and add value, it’s time to elevate your collaboration to the next level. This is where Vested® comes into play.

What is the Vested introduction workshop for?

For some, Vested is familiar, while others have never heard of it. That’s not a problem. In an introductory workshop, the methodology is explained in five steps. Different collaboration models are also introduced so you can determine if Vested is the right method for your relationship. After the workshop, you will understand why Vested is a mindset, whether it fits your company and needs, and what the next steps are to achieve a Vested® contract.

What does the workshop look like?

  • Kick-off and introduction
  • Why Vested?
  • Introduction to different collaboration models
  • Vested as a mindset
  • Vested as a methodology (5 rules)
  • Steps needed to be ‘ready’ for Vested

The agenda is adjusted in consultation to focus as much as possible on your specific questions.

Is Vested recognized?

The Vested® methodology is certified. Our Vested® expert, Sibrecht Diender, has been a certified Vested® Coach since 2016 and has been involved in virtually all Vested® deals in the Netherlands, including the IT deal between Stedin and Sentia. She has facilitated around 12 Vested deals internationally and sits on the Board of Advisors of Vested® Outsourcing Inc.

Why switch to Vested® if I already have a collaboration contract?

Do you already have an outsourcing agreement but find a Vested® agreement appealing as a potential next step? You can have your agreement and collaboration reviewed to assess their ‘health’. This way, you will know where possible improvements lie and what to focus on when transitioning to a Vested® contract. The process of achieving a Vested® contract is thorough and involves a team of employees from both organizations. This means you make significant joint decisions about how you want to collaborate and the results you want to achieve. The contract serves as a clear guide with steps and scenarios.

Want to collaborate on a higher level? Sign up for the workshop!

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