Outsourcing IT is a rather impactful process that can cause headaches. It is almost always complex, carries significant risks, and changes the work of all involved employees.

You know that. You understand the enormous impact that outsourcing has on your department and your employees, and you are aware of the complexity of such an organizational change.

But the reality is stubborn. As a responsible IT line manager, your mind and schedule are already full with ‘regular matters’ and other (internal) customers whom you wish to serve well. You wonder if you can free up enough time to properly oversee the IT outsourcing. Especially if it’s your first time facing IT outsourcing, you don’t want to risk falling into the many pitfalls. You feel that the risks are significant.

You need an experienced sourcing professional with a track record in project and program management.

Ideally, your outsourcing process runs smoothly. Your business goals are achieved, and the project runs like clockwork despite its complexity. After all, you have a professional on board with a successful track record in complex change processes. You feel supported in every aspect and do not worry about the success of your IT outsourcing.

Our project, program, and transition managers coach, train, and manage all possible phases of IT outsourcing, ensuring that the train starts and keeps moving smoothly. We are experienced, engaged, and adapt effortlessly to your company culture.

Would you like to discuss your specific situation?

We are curious about you and your situation. Would you like our advice without any obligation? Email us at info@follon.nl or call us at +31 627881087.

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