Why a Sourcing Training?

Your employees or colleagues will need to acquire new competencies before, during, or after a (out)sourcing project. If you do not properly manage this learning process, your business goals are at risk. Your employees may become dissatisfied or stressed because they are not well-equipped for their new roles or tasks. As a result, your consumers and customers may experience poorer IT service delivery.

Ideally, you want your employees and colleagues working in different teams or from various sourcing disciplines (sales/purchasing, contract management, delivery, project management, architecture) to understand each other perfectly and strengthen each other in the sourcing field. They are trained as sourcing specialists and use the same language and terms. Sourcing specialists can independently identify, analyze, and intervene to resolve any issues in (out)sourcing. They forge strong collaborations between your customer, supplier, or sourcing partner.

Follon & Partners trains and educates so that your employees have the right knowledge, experience, and insights during and after an organizational change. We use global sourcing standards and best practices, including those from IAOP, SIAM and Vested.

Hundreds of sourcing professionals preceded you

Follon & Partners has trained over a hundred professionals to become Certified Outsourcing Specialists and about two hundred and fifty SIAM professionals. Our sourcing training programs are rated with an average score of over eight out of ten.

People make the difference

What makes our trainers unique is their extensive practical experience in the field. They translate theory into (your) practice better than anyone else. This is our strength and uniqueness.

Accredited Training and Examination Organization

To certify professionals and conduct exams, our trainers and examiners require accreditation. Follon & Partners is accredited by EXIN as both an ATO (Accredited Training Organization) and an AEO (Accredited Examination Organization).

Training Offerings

Our training offerings focus exclusively on strengthening Sourcing and Governance competencies. The trainings are available in three formats: open registration, in-company, and self-study. Here is a brief overview of our offerings:

Participants Speak Out

“The training gave me much more insight into Governance over outsourcing and will have a positive impact on my daily work.”

This is how one of the participants evaluated the Certified Outsourcing Specialist training. This IT department head was given the responsibility to outsource a large part of the IT and set up a governance function. Thanks to our training, he was optimally prepared and started the preparations with confidence.

Another IT Manager about our SIAM training: "The trainers bring a good mix of knowledge and practical experience. The training has a clear structure, there is enough room for interaction, and the methods used are excellent. The training exceeded my expectations."

Sign Up

Would you like to sign up for a training or discuss the possibilities? Email us at training@follon.nl or call us at +31 627881087.

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