Basistraining Europese Aanbestedingen

Basic Training on European tenders

To register or for more information, please email

This training is valuable for both contracting authorities and bidders.

Target audience

This basic training is aimed at buyers, sellers, and contract managers: the procurement professionals of public sector organizations and the sales professionals of suppliers who want to further develop their skills in successfully bidding on European tenders. The training is especially beneficial for starting professionals or juniors who fulfill or aspire to this role.

Outcomes and content

  • Participants will become familiar with the basic principles of requesting and bidding on European Tenders.
  • The training approaches bidding from both the client’s and the contractor’s perspectives.
  • The training consists of two main components:
    1. The first part covers the theory of Procurement Law.
    2. The second part covers the practice of bidding from the supplier’s perspective.

Topics in Part 1: Theory of Procurement Law (Client Perspective)

  • Why tender?
  • Relevant laws and regulations.
  • The advising bidder/supplier, market exploration, and consultation.
  • Categories, composite contracts, lots, and bundling.
  • Suitability requirements, Selection criteria, Award criteria.
  • Evaluation, objection.
  • Most used tendering procedures and awarding methods.
  • Going through all steps of a tender.

Topics in Part 2: Convincing Clients (Supplier Perspective)

  • Qualification.
  • Organization and start of Bid team activities.
  • Writing from the client’s needs.
  • Writing style.
  • Reviewing.
  • Implementing best practices.
  • Integral consistency.
  • Practical example based on a concrete bid.


The training features an interactive approach, alternating between theory, discussion, practical cases, and assignments. All participants are encouraged to actively participate in the practical sessions to gain as much as possible from the training and directly apply the acquired knowledge in practice.


There are no educational prerequisites. The training is given at an MBO+ level (intermediate vocational education and higher).


Participants receive presentations, practical assignments, and exercises. Materials are available in both Dutch and English.


The training consists of one half-day session of 4 hours.


Participants receive a ‘Certificate of Completion’ upon finishing the training. The training is conducted by experienced and accredited trainers.


  • In-company: Customization allows for a tailored training program that maximally aligns with your organization’s needs. Through customization, we match the knowledge/skill level of the participants. For in-company training, we will agree on how to deliver the best possible results during a comprehensive intake interview.

Your investment

  • In-company: based on quotation


The training takes place at your location or online (via MS Teams).

Terms and conditions

The general terms and conditions of Follon & Partners apply to this training.

Registration and more information

To register for this training or for more information, please email us at